12 September 2013

Strength & Sadness

9/12/2013 - Day Ninety


As changes linger
The fear grips my conciousness
Unknown is worst than unstable most days
Progress takes progression

Each step has purpose
Is that purpose failure?
Lessons learned come from failure and success
For without failure who really know success

Let it be for it will anyways
Let it be to rest
Let it be for spontaneous can't come from control
Let it be for sleep

Last year in July I wrote this about changing jobs. Here I sit at the end of a six year relationship and trying to figure out how to take this giant negative weight outta my head. And this crazy thing I wrote fits again.

The smiles are fake for now and I guess they might be for awhile.  Time heals, they say. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am a very impatient person. The feeling like you can't breathe and that a giant weight has been lifted off you in unison. Strange!  

Music - Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey

Really good hold it together music! Check it out!

30 March 2013


3/30/2013 - Day Eighty Nine

It has been a bit since I was able to update my life. I have missed the creative writing here dearly. Check out Delineation my freelance design company being launched as week speak.

© Delineation 2012
Delineation is about a journey . . . >

Create art and create an image, a feeling, a presence, a recognizable artistic personification of your business . . . >

Market your business more effectively with unique art that talks about you to others without words being spoken . . . >

Inspire your business, inspire your employees, inspire your clients, inspire yourself and inspire your world!

There is no single path to success because there is no single way to succeed.  It is a journey, no way around it.  There are paths already available that others have made and/or taken.  History has shown that the best paths, the most successful paths, are those blazed by the individual who determines their own path, a path on which they can create marketable inspirations and love the journey along the way.